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For the information that Freud had nothing about Galdós in his library, we are indebted to Dr. Harry Trosman of the University of Chicago (letter dated October 5, 1971).



Marañón, Elogio de Toledo, 144.



Galdós, «Memorias de un desmemoriado» [1916] in: Obras, VI, 1661.



Ibid., VI, 1663.



Marañón, Elogio de Toledo, 144. See also Galdós, with specific reference to Fortunata y Jacinta: «Memorias», Obras, VI, 1663.



For analytic insights in the following sections, we are indebted to Dr. Edith Buxbaum and Dr. Ian A. Shaw for their written commentaries presented to the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society on March 11, 1974.



«Clarín» [pseud. for Leopoldo Alas], «B. Pérez Galdós: Estudio crítico biográfico» [1889], as reprinted in his Obras Completas (Madrid, 1912), I, 7. This oft-cited work is not very satisfying for insight into Galdós' personal affairs.



Luis Antón del Olmet and Arturo García Carraffa, Los Grandes Españoles, vol. I: Galdós (Madrid, 1912), 138.



L. B. Walton, Pérez Galdós and the Spanish Novel of the Nineteenth Century [1927], reprinted (New York, 1970), 28. On Galdós' life there is some interesting material in: José Pérez Vidal, Galdós in Canarias: 1843-1862 (Las Palmas, 1952). Some details appear in: César Emilio Arroyo, Galdós (Madrid, 1930); it is not, however, an «extensive» biography as described by Theodore A. Sackett in his bibliography. Some few scattered facts appear in: Jacob Warshaw, «Errors in Biographies of Galdós», Hispania, XI (1928), 485-99; and, «The Casa Museo Galdós», Ibid., X (1927), 225-36. Carmen Bravo Villasante has put together a very useful biography, including some unpublished letters from Galdós and handsome pictures: Galdós visto por sí mismo (Madrid, 1970). Joaquín Casalduero, Vida y obra de Galdós [1951], 3rd rev. edition (Madrid, 1970) offers little new about Galdós' life. The biography by Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles, Pérez Galdós: Vida, Obra y Época (Madrid, 1970) is not specific, and does not offer new details. Beatriz Entenza de Solare, Benito Pérez Galdós (Buenos Aires, 1967) offers absolutely nothing new. J. E. Varey has analyzed the problems of Galdós' biography in: «Galdós in the Light of Recent Criticism», Galdós Studies (London, 1970), 1-35. There is a very romantic account by Félix Ibáñez-Martín, «Latin Litterateur», MD (June 1973), 101-8.



Hyman Chonon Berkowitz [1895-1945], Pérez Galdós, Spanish Liberal Crusader (Madison, 1948). See Shoemaker's judicious review: Estudios sobre Galdós, 73-84.
