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Amparo, as the daughter of a deceased pharmacist, is a petite bourgeoise on the road to the lower classes until she «marries» Agustín.



The relation between this hypocritical façade and the vacuous reality behind it is reinforced by many other aspects of Tormento and La de Bringas, e.g. the ironic comparison between Bringas and Thiers, the Bringas' meager diet vs. their public ostentation, Pez's rhetorical political and amorous pronouncements.



This difference is demonstrated clearly at the end of Tormento. Agustín resolves to break with convention and leave Madrid while Rosalía remains the adamant defender of accepted values: «¡Conque no puede hacerla su mujer porque es una... y la hace su querida...! Estoy volada... Ignominia tan grande en nuestra familia, en esta familia honrada y ejemplar como pocas, me saca de quicio...» (1568). Of course, Rosalía's conduct in La de Bringas demonstrates that family honor is just another deceptive appearance. But when she uses sex as a means of social advancement, there are no repercussions for she operates always within the bounds of convention.



Nevertheless, in this duality, the moral differentiation establishes the major polarity. For example, it allows Marcelina Polo to be grouped with Rosalía even though she shares her brother's economic situation. It is their dedication to sincerity that lead Agustín and Polo to abandon Madrid. And it is society's slavish dedication to appearances that keeps it from benefiting from the potential regeneration offered by characters like Agustín and Polo. When they leave, Rosalía's conduct reveals how appearances can become in all-consuming passion.



«Art and Objective Truth», included in Writer and Critic, ed. Arthur D. Kahn (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1970), p. 40.



Engels points to the relative autonomy of the superstructural regions of politics, law, and ideology. With respect to ideology, he comments: «The people who deal with [ideology] belong in their turn to special spheres in the division of labor and appear to themselves to be working in an independent field. And in so far as they form an independent group within the social division of labor, in so far do their productions, including their errors react back as an influence upon the whole development of society, even on its economic development. But all the same they themselves remain under the dominating influence of economic development» (letter to Conrad Schmidt, October 27, 1890, included in Marx and Engels on literature and Art [New York: International, 1947], pp. 3-8).



Goldmann (op. cit. chapter «Nouveau roman et réalité») has indicated how this is true of even the most «unrealistic» fiction, such as the work of Alain Robbe-Grillet and Nathalie Sarraute.



Even if one is writing against a particular tradition, for example Cortázar in Rayuela.



See Pierre Macherey, «Lénine, critique de Tolstoi», and «L'image dans le miroir», in Pour une théory de la production littéraire (Paris: Maspero, 1974).



Vicens Vives (Manual de historia económica de España [(Barcelona: Vicens Vives, 1969)] comments:

En 1864 los síntomas de crisis inminente entenebrecen el horizonte del mundo de los negocios. La guerra civil norteamericana ha paralizado las importaciones de algodón, que alcanzan en 1862 el nivel mínimo absoluto para el período 1850-1900. Este proceso crea un desasosiego persistente en los medios textiles catalanes, al que se añadirá muy pronto el de los demás núcleos industriales: siderúrgicos, ferroviarios, etc. En efecto, la crisis hace su aparición en los medios internacionales a fines de 1865 y se desata en 1866...

Estas circunstancias económicas explican el éxito del pronunciamiento contra el trono de Isabel II en 1868. El país necesitaba un nuevo equipo ministerial que le sacara de apuros y lo halló en el gobierno provisional de 1868.
