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It is called just published in La Integridad, March 27, and by Núñez de Arce in El Debate, May 2; the date is given as 1871 in La Revista de España, April 10 and the Correo de España, May 13. La Nación, May 16, makes no mention of the date.



The edition of 1871 has 410 pages; the «Segunda edición notablemente corregida» has 374 pages. It is not dated but was printed by La Guirnalda, hence after January 1873 and probably after Galdós and Cámara entered a partnership on July 20, 1874. See M. Guimerá Peraza, Maura y Galdós, p. 130. The two printings by Brockhaus of Leipzig (1872 and 1883) both have 370 pages. Both of these Brockhaus versions have the tragic ending.



I owe the information on the differences between the false «first» edition and that of 1885 to Professor Stephen Gilman, and the identity of the former with the 1892 edition to Mr. Alan Smith who reports that even the errata are identical.



See Joaquín Gimeno Casalduero, «Una novela de dos desenlaces: La Fontana de Oro» in Ateneo, num. 88 (September 15, 1955), pp. 6-8; and Florian Smieja, «An Alternative Ending of La Fontana de Oro», in Modern Language Review, 61 (1966), 426-433.



Professor Gilman tells me that this passage does not appear in the manuscript of the novel. It must have been added in the proofs. We know from other manuscripts that Galdós often made changes, sometimes extensive, in the proofs. For examples, see Pattison, B. P. G. Etapas preliminares de «Gloria», p. 286 ff. The manuscript has the tragic denouement.



In his «Observaciones sobre la novela contemporánea de España», Revista de España 15 (1870), 162-72.



Revista de España XX (1871, p. 158). On critics influence on Galdós, see «The Prehistory of the Episodios Nacionales», in Hispania, 53 (1970), p. 861.



J. Gimeno Casalduero, Anales Galdosianos, Anejo; J. Pérez Vidal in Actas del segundo congreso internacional de estudios galdosianos, I, Las Palmas, 1978, pp. 202-229.



See V. Gabirondo, «Galdós periodista» in La Lectura XX (1920), tomo I, 84-5. In passing we note that the first advertisement for the sale of La Fontana appears in El Debate on April 8, 1871, stating «Se halla de venta en las librerías de Leocadio López, Durán, Bailly-Baillière, Cuesta, y en la Administración de la Revista de España y de El Debate, paseo de Prado, 22, bajo derecha. Precio: 12 reales en Madrid, 14 en provincias.» Several works of Galdós are in El Debate; for example, La Sombra, from December 5 to 26.



See the reproduction of this title page and that of other editions in M. Hernández Suárez, Bibliografía de Galdós.
