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ArribaAbajoNews and Notes

Arriba Daniel Eisenberg Corrects

Daniel Eisenberg

«There are two errors in my article «On editing Don Quixote», Cervantes, 3 (1983), 3-34), which I would like to correct.

»The first is the accentuation Trifiadí (p. 10, n. 22). In view of the comments on words ending in -í found in Don Quixote, II, 67, this accentuation is improbable.

»The second concerns Juan Gracián's widow (p. 28), whose name, María Rodríguez, I was unable to locate until the article was in page proofs. This must be the same María Rodríguez de Rivalde who was the widow of Pedro Madrigal and Juan Íñiguez de Lequerica (p. 27). Widowed from Gracián in 1587, she must have married Pedro Madrigal shortly thereafter; widowed from him in 1589, she married Íñiguez in 1595, and was widowed from him in 1599 (Dueñas Blanco, p. 156; Cristóbal Pérez Pastor, Bibliografía madrileña, I [Madrid, 1891], XXVI), which is when Juan de la Cuesta appears in Madrid. Her move from Alcalá to Madrid, and obvious desire to have a man of the printing trade managing her business, provide additional support for my hypothesis that Cuesta managed Juan Gracián's shop in Alcalá before going to Madrid».