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En Facundo, Sarmiento habla de «la lucha entre la civilización europea y la barbarie indígena, entre la inteligencia y la materia» (35).



La confrontación en Argentina, según Brushwood, se exacerbó por dos factores: «(1) the position of Buenos Aires as the center of commerce, population, and culture, and (2) the customs of the plainsmen, the gauchos, who were highly individualistic, accustomed to the unsophisticated life of the provinces, and disinclined to conform to the elitism of the Buenos Aires culture» (39).



Brushwood, citando el análisis que hace David Viñas de Amalia, señala: «Rosas is associated with rusticity, Amalia with urbanity. These correspondence are, in turn, associated with Americanism and Europeanism. Their synthesis, which has been a goal of the Argentine romantics, changes to polarity under the Rosas regime. In Amalia, according to Viñas, the Rosasrustic-American line becomes hateful, and the Amaliaurbane-European line becomes a frustrated ideal» (49).



En Amalia, los federales, frente a las pretensiones europeizantes de sus adversarios, aparecen burlándose de lo occidental: «Bebamos... por el héroe americano que está enseñando a la Europa que para nada necesitamos de ella... bebamos por que la Europa aprenda a conocemos...» (198).



«Politically and ideologically, the liberal creole project involved founding an independent, decolonized American society and culture, while retaining European values and white supremacy» (Pratt 175).