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Moreiras, Alberto - «The Villain at the Center: Infrapolitical Borges». CLCWeb Library of Research and Information. CLCWeb Contents 4.2. Comparative Cultural Studies and Latin America. Ed. Sophia A. McClennen and Earl E. Fitz. June 2002.



Andrade, Mário from «Machado de Assis». Aspectos da Literatura Brasileira. São Paulo: Martins, 1972. p. 95.



Machado, Aníbal - «Machado de Assis». Diário de Notícias. Rio de Janeiro: June 25, 1939, p. 1-2.



Pereira, Astrojildo - «Instinto e consciência de nacionalidade» in Machado de Assis. Rio de Janeiro: São José, 1959, p. 43-85.



Bataille, Georges - Eroticism. Trans. Mary Dalwood. New York; Boyars, 1994, p. 63-4.



Barthes, Roland - «Les sorties du texte» Oeuvres Complètes. Paris: Seuil, 1994, vol. II, p. 1614-22



Schwarz, Roberto - Misplaced ideas. Essays on Brazilian culture. Trans. John Gledson. London-New York, Verso, 1992.



Santiago, Silviano - «Toda a memória do mundo». Folhetim, Folha de S. Paulo, August 13, 1988 p. 3-5.



I allude here to the considerations on scopic drives that Lacan formulates in his Seminar, Book 11, by appropriating Méduse & Cie by Caillois and Jeune Parque by Valéry. See The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XI. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. Translation, Alan Sheridan. New York; W. W. Norton, 1998.



Caillois, Roger - Jeux et Sports. Encyclopédie de la Pléiade. Paris: Gallimard, 1967, p. 162. For a historical discussion on soccer and the «jogo do bicho» in the Belle Époque carioca society, see Herschmann, Micael and Lerner, Kátia -Lance de sorte. Rio de Janeiro; Diadorim, 1993. I have already explored the politics of chance in «The Pedagogical Potential of Interessere» PMLA, Publications of the Modern Language Association, vol. 119, 1, jan. 2004, p. 42-7.