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11, Downing Street,
Whitehall, S.W.
20th July, 1937.

Dear Don Perez d’Ayala

After such a charming letter, a poem in itself, what is there I would not tell you. My name before I married was Cole, and my father Major Cole was a soldier. He died in India when I was a child of eight. He was English. My mother was Irish.

My mother’s name was de Vere, and their old home was at Curragh Chase, Limerick. She was descended from the Earls of Oxford, who were famous in English history at certain periods. Her uncle, my great-uncle, Mr. Aubrey de Vere, has poems in the Oxford Book of English Verse, as has also my great-grandfather Sir Aubrey de Vere. Sir Vere de Vere, my great-great-grandfather also wrote poetry, and I came across some poems of his in an anthology compiled in America some years ago.

I have done a great deal of political work among the Women voters of England and was Chairman for some years, of the large West Midlands Area, where I spoke in practically all the Divisions.

I am very interested in archaeology, which is perhaps my chief recreative reading, and I search it and History wherever I go.

I am sending you the Times report of my husband’s speech at the Albert Hall on July 8th, as I think you may find it useful, especially the latter part.

Yours ...

Anne Chamberlain

P. S. Some of yours carnations are still alive and looking lovely.

My husband ... lines.



CARTA N.º 4 (Carta escrita a mano en un folio, metido en un pequeño sobre dirigido a Ramón Pérez de Ayala. Carlisle Housing. Carlisle Place s. n.).

10, Downing Street,

May 18.

Dear Don Ramón

My husband asks me to thank you for your letter, of which I had of course already heard from ...

I send a line at once to say how delighted we should be if you could lunch with us ... On Friday June 24? At 1.30?

Monsieur (?) André Maurois (?) is coming ...

Yours sincerely

Anne Chamberlain



González Cobas, M.: «Prólogo» a Eduardo Martínez Torner, Cancionero Musical de la Lírica Popular Asturiana, Oviedo, Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 1971, p. 25.



Frau Marsal: «El alma de Asturias», Diario de la Marina. La Habana, 10.XII.1924.



Muñiz Toca, Ángel: Vida y obra de Eduardo M. Torner (Musicólogo, folklorista y compositor), Oviedo, Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 1961.



Salazar, Adolfo: El Sol, Madrid, 11.XII.1935.



Sopeña, Federico: Historia de la Música Española Contemporánea, Madrid, Ed. Rialp, 1976, 2.ª ed., p. 173.



Menéndez Pidal, R.: Carta remitida al Ateneo de Oviedo, con motivo del Homenaje a Torner, leída en la conferencia inaugural el 13.II.1967.



Torner, Eduardo: Cuarenta canciones españolas, Madrid, Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1924, Serie IV, vol. 10.



García Lorca, F.: Las nanas infantiles (en Obras Completas, recopilación y notas de Arturo del Hoyo, prólogo de Jorge Guillén, epílogo de Vicente Aleixandre, Madrid, Ed. Aguilar, Madrid, 1957).