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Jorge de Montemayor, Los siete libros de la Diana, ed. Francisco López Estrada, 4th ed. (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1967), 132.



On the importance of marriage in Cervantes' works, see Joaquín Casalduero, «La Galatea», in Suma Cervantina, ed. J. B. Avalle-Arce and E. C. Riley (London: Tamesis, 1973), 27-46; and Marcel Bataillon, «Cervantes et le "mariage chrétien"», BHi, XLIX (1947), 129-44.



There are actually about sixty people attending the memorial service; thirty from Aurelio's village (II: 167) and as many again from others (II: 171). Such a vast quantity of participants denies the ceremony any intimacy it might have had.



Different approaches to the structure of La Galatea include Antonio Tamayo's «Los pastores de Cervantes», RFE, XXXII (1948), 1-24; Celina Sabor de Cortázar, «Observaciones sobre la estructura de La Galatea», Filología, VII (1971), 227-39; Jennifer Lowe, «The Cuestión de Amor and the Structure of Cervantes' Galatea», BHS, XLII (1966), 98-108.



This article is based on a paper presented in the special interest session on Cervantes at the annual convention of the AATSP, Madrid, August 1986.