Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.


«The Metrical Irregularity of the Cantar de Mio Cid», BHS, XL (1963), 137-43. One aspect of the romancero has already been studied in this way: Ruth House Webber, Formulistic Diction in the Spanish Ballad (Berkeley-Los Angeles 1951).



One of Lord's articles incorporates the few pages of a book that Parry had begun to write on this subject, «Homer, Parry and Huso», American Journal of Archaeology, LII (1948), 34-44, See also Parry, «Studies in the Epic Technique of Oral Verse-Making», Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, XLI (1930), 73-147, and XLIII (1932), 1-50. See also Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs, collected by Milman Parry, edited and translated by Albert Bates Lord, I (Cambridge, Mass. -Belgrade 1954); Lord's introduction describes the collecting of the songs. Examples of the application of similar methods to mediaeval epic are Francis P. Magoun, Jr., «Oral-Formulaic Character of Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poetry», Speculum, XXVIII (1953), 446-67; Jean Rychner, La Chanson de Geste, Essai sur l'art épique des jongleurs (Genève-Lille 1955). William Whallon, «Formulaic Poetry in the Old Testament», CLi, XV (1963), 1-14, extends the field of study, and points to Jeremiah 36 as corroboration of Lord's dictation theory.



E. C. Hills, «The Unity of the Poem of the Cid», Hisp (U. S. A.), XII (1929), 113-18.



This assumption is queried by P. E. Russell, «San Pedro de Cárdena and the Heroic History of the Cid», Medium Aevum, XXVII (1958), 57-79; see especially 59-60.



See Menéndez Pidal's introduction, written in 1913, to his edition in Clásicos Castellanos, Poema de Mio Cid, 3a ed. (Madrid 1929), 83-86 (reprinted in En torno al Poema del Cid [Barcelona-Madrid 1963], 49-51). For the escaño torniño, see also Menéndez Pidal, Cantar de Mio Cid II, 3a ed. (Madrid 1954), 648-49.



Ed. R. Menéndez Pidal, La leyenda de los infantes de Lara (Madrid 1896; 2a ed. Madrid 1934), and Reliquias de la poesía épica española (Madrid 1951), 181-239.



Ed. R. Menéndez Pidal, RFE, IV (1917), 105-204; ed. Jules Horrent, Roncesvalles (Paris 1951).



Sometimes called Crónica rimada del Cid, or Rodrigo y el rey Fernando; ed. R. Menéndez Pidal, Reliquias, 257-89. In what follows I refer only to this extant verse text, not to the earlier epic on the Cid's youth, prosified in the Crónica de los reyes de Castilla and the Crónica de 1344.



The fullest and most recent discussion of this problem is by Martín de Riquer, «El fragmento de Roncesvalles y el planto de Gonzalo Gústioz», Studi in onore di Angelo Monteverdi II (Modena 1959), 623-28. Riquer believes that Roncesvalles borrows directly from the Siete Infantes, whereas Horrent, op. cit., 116-18, supports Menéndez Pidal's view that the two poems make independent use of traditional material.



See also Serbocroatian Heroic Songs, I, 8.