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Ekphrasis and the Mirrored Image: The Allegory of Despair in "La noche" by Francesc Moner, a Catalan Writer of he Late Fifteenth Century / Peter Cocozzella

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Ekphrasis and the Mirrored Image: The Allegory of Despair in "La noche" by Francesc Moner, a Catalan Writer of he Late Fifteenth Century  / Peter Cocozzella | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Ampliar imagen

Edició digital basada en l'edició de Studia mediaevalia Curt Wittlin dicata = Mediaeval studies in honour Curt Wittlin = Estudis medievals en homenatge a Curt Wittli, Alacant, Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, 2015 -- ("Symposia Philologica" ; 25), pp. 137-150

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