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Jaime Moll

Bibliografía póstuma de Jaime Moll

  • «Biblia Políglota Regia», en Biblioteca Nacional de España. 300 años haciendo historia, Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, 2011, p. 48.
  • «The Liturgical Books Published by Pedro de Castro, Bishop of Cuenca (1554–1561)», en Benito Rial Costas, ed. Print Culture and Peripheries in Early Modern Europe. A Contribution to the History of Printing and the Book Trade in Small European and Spanish Cities, Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. 303-308.
  • «Las letrerías grabadas de Pedro Disses», Bulletin of Spanish Studies [Special Issue: Golden-Age Essays in Honour of Don W. Cruickshank], 90, 4-5 (june 2013), pp. 767-785.