The book contains several allusions to historical personages and events which delimit the period of composition. (a) In chapter 32 there is a reference to an event that occurred in 1569 when Leonis Pereira was Captain of Malacca (1567-1570).

The news of this event could not have reached Lisbon before 1569. (b) In chapter 226 Pinto alludes to Catherine as the deceased Queen. She died on February 12, 1578. (c) In 1569 it was known in Jesuit circles that Pinto was writing a book. This we know from a letter written by Cipriano Soares, S. J. to Diego Mirón, S. J. in Rome, dated Coimbra, 22 February 1569, as cited by Georg Schurhammer, S. J. 140). (N. from the A.)



For Killikelly's biography see «Killikelly, Sarah Hutchins» in: Burke and Howe, 348; NCAB, XIX, 98; and Who Was Who, I (1897-1942); see also «Miss Sarah H. Killikelly», in Book of the Writers, 18. (N. from the A.)



A «second edition» in two volumes by J. Eichbaum & Co. of Pittsburgh is listed as appearing in 1895, at which time Killikelly had not yet completed the third volume. She would also seem initially to have published volumes I and II privately. An appearance is listed in Pittsburgh, beginning in 1886, with the publisher given as «the author». The Keystone Publishing Co. is subsequently listed as bringing them out in Philadelphia in 1890 (National Union Catalog, 296: 13). All three volumes of the copy consulted here were published in Philadelphia. (N. from the A.)



Cf. Sismondi's statement that «the circumstance which... forms the everlasting monument of his own and his country's glory, is the national love and pride breathing through the whole performance» (2: 482). (N. from the A.)



See, e. g., Sismondi's statement that Camões's «mixture of [pagan and Christian] celestial elements has in it something extremely revolting...» (2: 488), Higginson's comment that The Lusiad «is, to be sure, disfigured by a cumbrous mythology» (464), and Longfellow's acceptance of «the incongruities of the [Lusiad's] supernatural machinery» (740). (N. from the A.)



See Andrews, Melville's Camões, 145-98 (N. from the A.)



See Andrews, The Case against Camões, 84-86 (N. from the A.)



See Andrews, «Camões among American Authors: William Gordon McCabe». (N. from the A.)



Apesar de conter novos dados, este trabalho baseia-se em três outros artigos meus. V. Fontes, «Mais Orações»; id., «Four Portuguese»; id., «Três Orações». Ao meu amigo Pedro da Silveira, da Biblioteca Nacional, os meus agradecimentos pelo envio de uma fotocópia de todas as orações criptojudias publicadas na raríssima Ha-Lapid. (N. from the A.)



Esta é a melhor estimativa, posto que se baseia nas capitações que os espanhóis tinham que pagar ao entrar no reino. Para outros cálculos, os quais, geralmente, não passam de grandes exagerações, V. Tavares 1982, 270-71, n. 278, e Kayserling 1971, 98, n. 7. (N. from the A.)