«Qu'est-ce que la poésie?» (1933), ibíd., pág. 124.
«Le folklore, forme spécifique de création» (1928), ibíd., págs. 59-72.
«Verbal Art», Journal of American Folklore, 1955, LXVIII, págs. 245-252. El término fue objetado por M. W. Smith, «The importance of Folklore Studies to Anthropology», Folklore, 1959, LXX, págs. 306-7.
Cfr. «Folklore in Literature: A Symposium», Journal of American Folklore, 1957, LXX, págs. 1-24.
En el Vocabulario de Correas, ed. Combet, Burdeos, 1967, pág. 592.
Cfr. estas clasificadoras palabras de W. R. Bascom en su ensayo «Folklore and Literature», que recoge A. Dundes en su antología The Study of Folklore, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1965 (de la que hemos tomado algunas de las referencias bibliográficas anteriores): «The development of any item of folklore is comparable to that of any custom, institution, technique, or art form. It must have been invented at some time, by some individual. It can be assumed that many folktales or proverbs, like many others inventions, were rejected because they either did not fill a recognized or subconscious need, or because they were incompatible with the accepted patterns and traditions of folklore or of culture as a whole. If they were accepted, they depended on retelling, in the same way that all cultural traits in a nonliterate society depend upon restatement and re-enactment. An element of material culture, such as a hoe or bow or mask, has of course a certain independent existence once it has been created, but for the craft itself to continue these items must be made again and again. The nonmaterial elements of culture, however, are entirely comparable in this respect to folktales or proverbs; rituals must be performed, beliefs and attitudes must be expressed, kinship terms must be used, and the privileges and obligations of kinship must be exercised. In the course of this retelling or redoing, change occurs each time new variations are introduced, and again these innovations are subject to acceptance or rejection» (pág. 29).
«Le folklore...», pág. 62.
Cfr. W. R. Bascom, «Four Functions of Folklore» (1954), en Dundes, op. cit., páginas 279-298.
Cfr. Combet, op. cit., pág. 96.
«Le folklore...», pág. 69.