L. Alas, Obras completas (Madrid, 1912), I, 314 and 342, and E, Gómez Baquero, «Crónica literaria», España moderna, CXLV (January, 1901), 147.
A description of the manuscript of La campaña del Maestrazgo will give some idea of the number of changes. The manuscript has folios number 1-450, four of which are repeated (138, 185, 275, 317); 302-303 are on the same folio. On the reverse of folios 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12-15 and 18 respectively are to be found the folios of the end of Luchana, folios 580, 588, 577, 574, 570, 571, 569, 566, 565, 564, 568 and 561. There are, on the back of many folios, the first versions of sentences, paragraphs or sections of the novel usually crossed out in blue pencil: on folios 9, 10, 22, 23, 42, 43, 83, 90, 92, 125, 126-128, 135, 263, 264, 269, 285, 289, 344, 347, 375-382, 410, 413, 417, 430, 433, 435, 437, 438, 440, 442, 448. I have listed here those cases where on the reverse side there is more than half a folio of writing. On the back of many of the other folios, there are single lines or words crossed out. There are also, of course, many changes on the front side of the folios.
Throughout the article references to changes are given by their folio number whenever manuscripts are available. Although the actual change may have been made on the galley-proof, Galdós' pencil often makes the words he has changed illegible.
«pues no cae todos los días el honor de hospedar en nuestra casa a un príncipe polaco» (OC, III, 101b).
«Mendizábal», Blanco y negro, 3 December 1899. Kasabal quotes the description of Mendizábal and María Cristina and then details the history of the fan.
The two versions can be seen in «A critical study of the Third Series of Episodios Nacionales», by P. Bush, D. Phil., Oxford University, 1978, Appendix C (i) 299-308.
Rodolfo Cardona has published a letter to Galdós from José María Aguirre y Escalante in which Aguirre narrated the events of Aránzazu, both miraculous and historical. As he concludes, it is unlikely that Aguirre's letter of 6 December 1898 could have been the source for a novel dated «octubre-noviembre 1898». It does reveal that Galdós was eager to discover «las noticias concernientes al monasterio de Aránzazu durante el año 36», «Apostillas a los Episodios nacionales de Hans Hinterhäuser», Anales galdosianos, III (1968), 119-142 (p. 136). Galdós may have found someone in Santander who informed him of the burning of the monastery. There is a brief mention in A. Pirala's work on the civil war of the fact that «Ya había comenzado Jáuregui incendiando el santuario de Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu», Historia de la guerra civil, I, 357. He may have come across the hagiography of the sanctuary by Pastor y Rodríguez who tells how the liberals betrayed the hospitality they received from the guardians of the shrine, Dr. D. Julián de Pastor y Rodríguez, Historia de la imagen y santuario de Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu (Madrid, 1880), 222-23. On page 294, there is mention of the Novena de la milagrosa imagen de Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu por un especial devoto de esta Soberana Reina, con la adición histórica de la guerra del santuario en 1834, y su nueva traslación en 1846 (Vitoria, 1863).
M. Guimerá Peraza, Maura y Galdós (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1967), 68-69.
M. Guimerá Peraza, op. cit., 71. Maura noted that the novel had «mucho más materia que los otros tomos de la serie y se conocería la singular acumulación de trabajo por su sola lectura».
H. Hinterhäuser, op. cit., 181 and 89, note 4. Bilbao is, for Galdós, «una ciudad inflamada casi unánimemente por las ideas liberales», but for Unamuno «con recuerdos de infancia y juventud, Bilbao es una ciudad dominada abrumadoramente por el tradicionalismo». Hinterhäuser had already mentioned the following anecdote of Pérez de Ayala, crediting it with oun «apreciable resto de exactitud objetiva»:
Modern historians come down on the side of Galdós: «The base of Carlism was the countryside of the Basque Provinces and Navarre, where its organised rural state remained ringed round by liberal towns: Bilbao, San Sebastián, Pamplona, and Victoria». R. Carr, Spain 1808-1939 (Oxford, 1966), 187.
H. G. Bone, 'Galdós and the Episodios nacionales with particular reference to the first Carlist war' (M. Phil. dissertation, University of London, 1972), Chapter 5.