—[108]→ —109→
Colgate University
Edward Dudley |
It will be no surprise to state that the 1605 Quijote contains intercalated narratives which many readers tend to consider as «pre-texts», works conceived earlier and then presented much in the same fashion as the reading of El curioso impertinente. Is each one indeed only a corpus waiting to be given life by the history of Don Quijote? Merely a tag on? The tale of Grisóstomo and Marcela seems not to be because of the various voices in its piece-meal unfolding, and of course our hero intervenes at the end. But the tale of Ruy Pérez de Viedma and Zoraida, despite its contrived interruption; Eugenio's relation of Leandra's infatuation for the showy and boastful Vicente de la Rosa with whom she flees from her more reputable suitors; the ingenuous Doña Clara's apprehensive description to Dorotea of Don Luis's love for her and of his persistence; Cardenio's twice-begun tale of his love for Luscinda blighted by his own cowardice: it is easy to —110→ consider these as separate creations brought forth by Cervantes at a particularly convenient point in the romance. And this view is probably appropriate for some or all of these.
But what of Dorotea's narrative? Does it stand alone or is it an
integral part of the history? There is the claim that the tangled web of the
four lovers, Dorotea and Fernando, Luscinda and Cardenio, is, despite the
eventual implication of Don Quijote,
«a complete and detachable
(Riley 80). On the other hand there is the belief that
the quadrangular imbroglio
«apenas puede considerarse como
(Madariaga 68). These conflicting perceptions could be
multiplied, but I propose that, as we read/hear Dorotea's explanation of how
she came to be found dressed in man's garb and alone in the Sierra Morena, we
must look at the context of her narrative, and more particularly the audience;
in this manner we will become aware of what is the artful and
«spontaneous» tale of a personal reality, a spur-of-the-moment but
purposeful (mis)representation of sorts, grounded in the world of the
Quijote and of the inhabitants of that
lugar. More specifically, I believe
that Dorotea provides an example of how its author/spinner may intentionally
make a narrative something rather short of the truth while at the same time
providing, within the flow of the tale, clues which the perceptive reader or
listener may use to see things more «objectively». Francisco
Márquez Villanueva has described this process:
«Unas veces es la misma Dorotea
quien dice sin decir, con perfecto cálculo, muchas cosas que la modestia
y buenas apariencias la obligan a callar. Pero en muchos otros casos, con juego
aún más refinado por parte de Cervantes, es ella quien se
traiciona, quien nos dice a su pesar lo que desearía que pasase oculto,
permitiéndonos el atisbo de su limitación humana, de sus
pecadillos y debilidades, secreto no menos sabroso que el de sus perfecciones y
(1975 25-26). In the pages to follow I intend to show
how Cervantes with his art or
«juego aún más
has prompted Dorotea with her art or
to craft such a narrative completely
aware of her audience98.
Hers is, at first reading or listening, the familiar story of a very beautiful young woman pursued, seduced and ultimately abandoned by a lustful man of higher rank. The pundonor appears to figure importantly as reason for her energetic search for the raptor as well as for her flight from society. It would be most difficult to fight the temptation to feel sympathy and compassion for this abused creature. The circumstance of any narration is important, however, and must be kept in mind; in this instance the tale has an audience which could -did, I shall maintain- have its profound effect on the manner of its presentation.
Chapter 27, the last in the third of the original division into
four parts, ends with the finishing of Cardenio's story to the priest and
barber; the former is about to console him when
«le suspendió una voz que
llegó a sus oídos, que en lastimados acentos oyeron que
decía lo que se dirá en la cuarta parte desta narración,
que en este punto dio fin a la tercera el sabio y atentado historiador Cide
Hamete Benengeli»
(I: 27, 341)99. The final paragraph of the chapter is thus given at least some
distinction by its placement; a moment of suspense is then created when at the
beginning of chapter 28 the text turns aside to give high praise for Don
«tan honrosa
which allows the reader to enjoy
«en esta nuestra edad, necesitada
de alegres entretenimientos, no sólo de la dulzura de su verdadera
historia, sino de los cuentos y episodios della, que, en parte, no son menos
agradables y artificiosos y verdaderos que la misma
(I: 28, 343). These fulsome words and the emphases on
truth, pleasure and literary artifice should put us on our guard100 just before we are allowed to hear those same
(I: 28, 343).
The three, we learn, hear a plaintive cry of helplessness and
despair and then come forth to discover that the «boy» speaking is
in fact Dorotea in disguise and alone in the wilds, unusual behavior which
prods curiosity and begs explanation; as opposed to the idealized damsels of
Don Quijote's Edad de Oro speech pronounced earlier, this lass appears
«con toda su sexualidad a
, to coin a phrase. The tale of her
seduction-by-clandestine-marriage101 and subsequent
abandonment clearly seeks exculpation for her irregular enterprise. Her
audience is these three men: the unkempt Cardenio, to be seen as a social
cipher of sorts and one whose three reactions102 to her tale might substantiate suspicions of some
stress if not mental imbalance; the barber, a silent presence and certainly not
an imposing figure; and the priest Pero Pérez, who by his office might
be expected to be understanding, forgiving, and charitable -a confessor, in
short. We must forget for the moment how Cervantes characterizes him as a
«the relatively well-read, unimaginative but
improvisationally responsive meddler in Don Quijote's affairs»
with a
«penchant for histrionics»
(Weiger 95-96 and 100), and keep in mind who it is
that Dorotea sees, a priest. I believe that it is principally to him that
Dorotea describes the trouble she's seen and that from him she would have that
exculpation and some assistance which might include advocacy as well, should he
be convinced of her aggrieved innocence. Therefore -«ante todo, lista»
(Madariaga 71)- she will embellish her story to
emphasize the theme of victimization even though at times she does describe her
pleasure at being courted and makes no pretense about her continuing awareness
of Fernando's
«'lascivo apetito, que este nombre
quiero dar a la voluntad que me mostraba...'»
(I: 28, 348-49).
To pass by Dorotea with mere mention of her as a
«seduced farmer's daughter»
(Close 36) is almost dismissive. She is more
accurately characterized as appearing
«as the injured, cast-off woman in distress, yet the fact
of her being here in Sierra Morena means that she has the force to defend
herself and the presence of mind to seek for herself the remedy of her
(Murillo 90); her narrative
«is direct, more honestly that of an introspective
sentimental heroine and reveals the impulsive as well as the calculating and
rationalist qualities that make up her 'discretion'»
(Murillo 89-90). Márquez Villanueva also refers
to these qualities, her
«clara inteligencia, la fría
capacidad analítica que no la abandonan en momentos de apuro ni aun en
sus arrebatos de pasión, gracias a lo cual permanece siempre muy
dueña de sí misma»
(1967, 149) -and mistress of her words, I must add.
Héctor Márquez writes that in her flight and disguises
«se muestra muy
«se puede afirmar que Dorotea no es
solamente la más hermosa y sensual de las mujeres de la novela sino
también la que muestra la mayor independencia y libertad de
Salvador A. Fajardo has taken great pains to show how the opening
of the Dorotea tableau (his word, and perhaps more meaningful that he
suspected) is carefully infused with sensuality (stressed by Carroll B. Johnson
[118-19]) which leads to voyeurism, but he has overlooked two details in the
opening moments: that ending of chapter 27 and the beginning of chapter 28, and
one important word in her lament. For the very reason that there is a thematic
interruption of the flow of text in order to praise the caliber and veracity of
the history before us, as well as a physical one, the dividing line between
parts three and four and, in the 1605 printing, passing overleaf from folio 148
recto to verso, it might be easy to overlook the textual insistence that the
three men hear Dorotea: for the priest
«le suspendió una voz que
llegó a sus oídos, que en lastimosos acentos
(I: 27, 341) and that then
«una voz llegó a sus
for all to hear the phrase
(I, 28: 343)103. Surely
the feminine singular in the self-reference would lead the men to
expect to find a woman, this same
desdichada in fact, a few steps away.
To this extent, then, Dorotea is partially «unveiled» in one
important, even decisive manner before the vestimentary uncovering with its
erotic details. Thus, although
«all the verbs describing the actions of the three men
refer 1) to sight or emotions elicited by sight; 2) to hiding, or furtive
(Fajardo 93), the initial stimulus for reaction and
action must have been her heart-rending
104; to observe a
mozo intensifies curiosity before the
view of alabaster feet. In other words, voyeurism is prompted a moment or so
before Fajardo's perception of the initial arousal:
«It seems evident that the curate's and his companions'
curiosity was aroused because they anticipated that such feet belied the
appearance of their owner and that in fact they were looking at a
It is Pero Pérez's call which halts her attempt to rise up
after she stumbles in her flight, her soft feet pained by the streamside
pebbles, and it is he who asks to hear her reasons and offers aid:
«'Así que, señora
mía, o señor mío, o lo que vos quisierdes ser, perded el
sobresalto que nuestra vista os ha causado y contadnos vuestra buena o mala
suerte; que en nosotros juntos, o en cada uno, hallaréis quien [could he
mean himself alone?] os ayude a sentir vuestras
(I: 28, 345). Casalduero comments:
«A pesar del traje plebeyo, el Cura
se dirige a ella llamándola señora; tan persuasiva ha sido la
blancura contemplada»
(141). I believe the text does allow us to presume
some desire by the priest not only to calm but also to please this ambiguous
creature: those who have witnessed the unveiling of this beauty (we are
included, as Fajardo has shown) would feel a natural inclination to benevolence
at the least. Edmund Gayton went a bit further:
Curat [sic] had no Crosse-worke against
this sight, it drove him not to his Pater-nosters, nor his Beads; but the most
magnetick piece wrought vertually upon him, and so strongly, that he could no
longer be at so remote a distance, but was for a contactus, which is more
naturall; and if matters hit right for a
contactus, which is more spirituall
as to the
Ecclestiastical Court; but
nos inter nos very
(170 [misnumbered 180]-71).
Dorotea's rather lengthy answer states her obligation to satisfy
the request
«'puesto que temo que la
relación que os hiciere de mis desdichas [the priest's
use of «desgracias»
confirmed immediately]
«os ha de causar, al par de la
compasión, la pesadumbre, porque
no habéis de hallar
remedio para remediarlas ni
consuelo para
(I: 28, 346, my emphases). Demurely she covers her
feet and gathers her hair, and,
«sin hacerse más de
rogar..., se acomodó en el asiento de una piedra, y, puestos los tres
alrededor della [at her feet?], haciéndose fuerza por detener algunas
lágrimas que a los ojos se le venían, con voz reposada y clara
comenzó la historia de su vida...»
(I: 28, 346). Storyteller with modulated tones,
audience entranced if not enchanted, and one of the three seems to promise
succor: let the tale begin (more tears will flow at the appropriate moments,
certain to maintain sympathy)105.
Héctor P. Márquez maintains that Dorotea is in some
«Debe recordarse que el cura y el
barbero andaban disfrazados también y que los acompañaba
Cardenio, un loco de remate; de manera que formaban un grupo harto
(121). We recall the gypsy Preciosa's advice to
Cristina that
«'de lo que te has de guardar, es
de un hombre solo y a solas, y no de tantos juntos; porque antes el ser muchos
quita el miedo y el recelo de ser ofendidas... Verdad es que es bueno huir de
las ocasiones; pero han de ser de las secretas, y no de las
(La gitanilla 107). Dorotea's
recent experiences with her servant and later with her employer, both sexually
charged encounters one-on-one requiring an energetic physical defense on the
one hand and flight on the other, are proof of the aptness of the first piece
of advice, and meeting several men here in the wilds of the Sierra Morena must
certainly qualify as a most menacing
ocasión secreta. Obviously she
should have no great cause to trust this trio who confront her so suddenly,
therefore we must ask ourselves what so quickly assures her of safety?
Has the priest indeed donned his disguise as an
escudero to the barber's
doncella menesterosa
? Sancho has led the two neighbors and
Cardenio back to where he had left
«las señales de las ramas
para acertar el lugar donde había dejado a su señor; y, en
reconociéndole, les dijo como aquélla era la entrada, y que bien
se podían vestir, si era que aquello hacía al caso para la
libertad de su señor»
(I: 27, 327). The history then informs us that they
had told Sancho of their plan, but we need not wonder for long if they
disguised themselves; to the contrary, the text seems to state that they did
«les dijo [Sancho] que sería
bien que él fuese delante a buscarle [Don Quijote] y darle la respuesta
de su señora [Dulcinea]; que ya sería ella bastante a sacarle de
aquel lugar, sin que ellos se pusiesen en tanto trabajo
[which I take to be dressing as planned].
Parecióles bien lo que Sancho
Panza decía, y así, determinaron de aguardarle, hasta que
volviese con las nuevas del hallazgo de su amo»
(I: 27, 328). The priest, then, is recognizable as
such106, and
Dorotea therefore might well believe that she has every reason to feel
Her story is well known, thus many of its details need no
iteration, but we must review the tone and manner, and its internal and
external contradictions. The narrative begins with what appears to be a prosaic
socioeconomic placement of the principal characters: the pursuer the
segundón of a duke, and
Dorotea's family as untitled countryfolk,
«'gente llana, sin mezcla de alguna
raza mal sonante, y, como suele decirse, cristianos viejos ranciosos; pero tan
ricos, que su riqueza y magnífico trato les va poco a poco adquiriendo
nombre de hidalgos, y aun de caballeros'»
(I: 28, 346); by virtue of her beauty Dorotea becomes
the link. That she is a «take-charge» sort of woman is inferred
from the description of her supervisory duties in the large farming
establishment of her parents;
«she describes herself as the model daughter of model
parents, an 'executive' 'labradora en su
rincón' and potential 'perfecta
(Templin 49).
This is the background against which her personal, intimate
character is to be portrayed -and it will be a portrait, not the real thing,
this to be belied by the rhetorical flourishes and at least one forthright lie.
We are to believe -the priest is to
believe- that she is the very
model of a modern well-off demoiselle. In her free moments -«'Los ratos que del día me
seems to connote infrequent moments of
«'los entretenía en
ejercicios que son a las doncellas tan lícitos como necesarios, como son
los que ofrece la aguja y la almohadilla, la rueca muchas veces; y si alguna,
por recrear el ánimo, estos ejercicios dejaba
more infrequent, we must deduce],
me acogía al entretenimiento de
leer algún libro devoto, o tocar una
107 It is this sort of life which is offered
«'porque se advierta cuán
sin culpa me he venido de aquel buen estado que he dicho al infelice en que
ahora me hallo'»
(I: 28, 347):
«forgive me, father, for I have fallen far»
. It
is proper to note here that, as Fajardo states it,
«As she pursues her story, we notice that she describes
herself not in terms of what she
is, but in terms of how others see her, her
parents in particular»
(101, his emphasis); this is, I maintain, corollary to
her desire to be seen in very particular terms by the one individual whom she
perceives as her probable abetter.
Were we to go forward with an image of victimization in mind as a
sexual calamity attends her, surely her plight were most sorrowful, but of
course there are moments when even the careless reader may be caught up short
about the frail innocence thus projected, as when, in her rationalist mode and
firmly in the grasp of the heated and demanding Don Fernando, she ponders her
immediate course of action, or reaction:
«'Sí, que no seré yo
la primera que por vía de matrimonio haya subido de humilde a grande
estado... Pues si no hago ni mundo ni uso nuevo, bien es acudir a esta honra
que la suerte me ofrece, puesto que en éste
pronoun tends to reduce him to instrument or facilitator]
no dure más la voluntad que me
muestra de
cuanto dure el cumplimiento de su deseo,
que, en fin, para con Dios seré su esposa'»
(I: 28, 351). Dame Fortune's forelock is resolutely
grasped and, moments later, she is wed and bedded109 This somehow doesn't lie well with all that
innocence initially portrayed: lion
and lamb? The manner in which she fought off
those other similarly inclined «suitors» one-on-one in a solitary
countryside certainly undermines her self-proclamation as unknowing and
helpless victim, as does the fact that it is she who states that her virginity
will not be relinquished except in honor, to
«'el que fuere mi legítimo
(I: 28, 350), a statement she makes in the Cretan
labyrinth of that sprawling household which, she knows not how, Fernando has
successfully penetrated.
Much of the reader's confusion about the real Dorotea is resolved
in her impersonation of the Princess Micomicona, an acting part which would
have been impossible without a thorough grounding in the role of the
doncella menesterosa of the
libros de caballerías. No, not
much time was spent with books of devotion in that so well-protected
bedchamber; as she is about to assume this role, she explains that she should
have no problem,
«que la dejasen el cargo de saber
representar todo aquello que fuese menester para llevar adelante su intento,
porque ella había leído muchos libros de caballerías y
sabía bien el estilo que tenían las doncellas cuitadas cuando
pedían sus dones a los andantes caballeros»
(I: 29, 359). Perhaps she has already put such
readings to use in her narrative, with the frocked Pero Pérez set in the
role of the acquiescing knight-errant.
Those many books could as well have prepared her for the scene of
Fernando's insistence. If the twentieth-century reader does not at the time of
her narrative know how young women of Cervantes's era reacted to the
libros de caballerías, an
illustration comes soon. The carnally experienced Maritornes likes them for
their tender and romantic interludes,
«'y más cuando cuentan que
se está la otra señora debajo de unos naranjos abrazada con su
caballero, y que les está una dueña haciéndoles la guarda,
muerta de envidia y con mucho sobresalto'»
. Moments
later the innkeeper's young daughter tells the inquiring priest that she
«'las lamentaciones que los
caballeros hacen cuando están ausentes de sus señoras; que en
verdad que algunas veces me hacen llorar, de compasión que les
(I: 32, 389); such a feeling goes beyond whatever
innocence might be expected as she comments in response to Dorotea, who may
well have earlier experienced the same feelings herself:
(I: 32, 389) |
To say that Dorotea
«is unused to the language of love»
(Fajardo 103) is to ignore the characteristics of the
literature she has read, literature which might well have fueled her desires;
as Casalduero states it,
«en los libros de
caballerías se encuentran aquellos elementos, épico y amoroso,
erótico o sentimental, que satisfacen las necesidades espirituales de la
(153), though not, of course, the physical
The truth about her readings is repeated some few moments later:
«No dejó de avisar el cura
lo que había de hacer Dorotea, a lo que ella dijo que descuidasen, que
todo se haría sin faltar punto, como lo pedían y pintaban los
libros de caballerías»
(I: 29, 360); obviously not a little time has been
spent learning her part. Pero Pérez does not react or respond in any
fashion to this revelation, does not point out the apparent inconsistencies in
the young lady's choice of sparetime diversions; but of course we should not
ask why and just accept the course of events, as we
must do as
the curate later craftily intervenes on behalf of Ruy Pérez de Viedma:
«Underlying all of this is a question so elementary that
it is never asked: was this charade necessary?»
(Weiger 100). The Micomicona
entremés does have its reason,
to return Don Quijote home by means of this
«traza engañosa merced a la
cual lo ficticio se le presenta
[to Don Quijote]
como una realidad que captan sus sentidos
sin deformarla. Dorotea se ve obligada a inventar toda una fantástica e
inverosímil historia, muy al estilo de los libros de caballerías,
pero con una intencionada deformación
(Riquer 93).
In fact we never learned what the priest thought of Dorotea's
initial narrative. Chapter 29 begins with her final paragraph, a summation and
a plea for assistance, no doubt accompanied by an innocent expression and
shining eyes, perhaps a luminous and imploring look like that of Murillo's
«Magdalena penitente»:
«'Sólo os ruego (lo que con
facilidad podréis y debéis hacer) que me aconsejéis
dónde podré pasar la vida sin que me acabe el temor y sobresalto
que tengo de ser hallada de los que me buscan; que aunque sé que el
mucho amor que mis padres me tienen me asegura que seré dellos bien
recibida, es tanta la vergüenza que me ocupa sólo al pensar que, no
como ellos pensaban, tengo que parecer a su presencia, que tengo por mejor
desterrarme para siempre de ser vista que no verles el rostro, con pensamiento
que ellos miran el mío ajeno de la honestidad que de mí se
debían de tener prometida'»
(I: 29, 356). She refers to herself as dishonored, but
she is (sacramentally) wedded to Fernando. She has weepily portrayed her plight
as victim, yet we know from her own words that she chose her course of action,
doing so with a logic quite at odds with the heated confrontation of her
actively importunate would-be lover. She pleads, but parenthetically points out
her hearers' -in effect, the curate's- duty to assist. She relies on her
parents' loving forgiveness, yet chooses to remain abroad, ashamed of... what?
On the one hand she states her apprehension about appearing but is assured that
she will be welcome once again, on the other she will distance herself because
she has lost her chastity, though this is condoned by sacrament invoked in the
promise before the holy image. Given the conflictive nature of these final
words, how are we then to interpret the narrator's description of her actions?:
«Calló en diciendo esto, y
el rostro se le cubrió de un color que mostró bien claro el
sentimiento y vergüenza del alma. En las suyas sintieron los que escuchado
la habían tanta lástima
como admiración [!] de su
desgracia; y aunque luego quisiera el cura consolarla y aconsejarla,
tomó primero la mano Cardenio...»
(I: 29, 356), thus preventing our knowing what was the
priest's immediate reaction. The advice comes later, after Cardenio has briefly
explained his own part in all of this lovers' quadrangle, has pledged to do all
in his new-found power to help her, insisting on the fact that he and Luscinda
are married (presumably another secret betrothal) as are Dorotea and Fernando:
the licentiate
«les rogó, aconsejó y
persuadió que se fuesen con él a su aldea, donde se
podrían reparar de las cosas que les faltaban, y que allí
daría orden como buscar a don Fernando, o como llevar Dorotea a sus
padres, o hacer lo que más les pareciese
(I: 29, 358), hardly a clear statement of intent and
resolve. Certainly as Princess Micomicona she prompted something more decisive
from Don Quijote:
«'Vamos de aquí, en el
nombre de Dios, a favorecer esta gran señora'»
(I: 29, 363). We must not forget Cervantes, of course,
who created all of this; his «nueva
técnica» is also decidedly Dorotea's:
«Consiste en poner un poco de todo:
un poco de lo verdadero y lo histórico y otro poco de lo
fantástico e imaginario, con lo cual da verosimilitud a lo
fantástico e imaginario y pone maravilla en lo verdadero e
(Percas Ponseti I, 139-40). Her inventiveness and his
is proven in her tale of the misfortunes of Micomicona:
«Cardenio y el barbero se le
pusieron al lado, deseosos de ver cómo fingía su historia la
discreta Dorotea»
(I: 30, 369), whereupon our two artists weave a
chivalric romance with this
técnica: Dorotea in the style
of any number of novelized
menesterosas. By means of the same
(perspectivistic?) narrative art did Dorotea capture the
lástima and, most importantly,
voluntad of the priest (and of
Cardenio too, now to be a forceful player in the amorous quaternity, the
example of her strength and resolve displacing his cowardice). She has, then,
succeeded in her purpose; but if one lie was needed, and no one caught her up
in it, might there have been others? We have been told that she is
«'una de las más regaladas
hijas que padres jamás regalaron'»
(I: 28, 347) and that these parents, though
labradores, are
«'tan ricos que su riqueza y
magnífico trato les va poco a poco adquiriendo nombre de hidalgos, y aun
de caballeros'»
(I: 28, 346). Such upward mobility would be perceived
only amongst those of their own
estado, in the medieval understanding
of the term; to pretend to higher rank than is one's due incurs scorn -at
least- from those already up the
social ladder, as Don Quijote
hears later from Sancho:
«'Dicen los caballeros que no
querrían que los hidalgos se opusiesen a ellos, especialmente aquellos
hidalgos escuderiles que dan humo a los zapatos y toman los puntos de las
medias negras con seda verde'»
(II: 2, 43). That Dorotea considers herself worthy of
higher ranking in society is a sentiment barely hidden in her phrase
«'quizá nace mi poca ventura
de la que no tuvieron ellos en no haber nacido
-in which case she would have been
socially attractive for a noble marriage- or
in the sentence which follows:
«'Bien es verdad que no son tan
bajos que puedan afrentarse de su estado, ni tan altos
que a mí me quiten la
imaginación que tengo de que de su humildad viene mi
(I: 28, 346, my emphasis: Cervantes's doubling of the
personal pronoun may be meaningful and not merely stylistic). One perceives an
envy of rank which may appear to be tantalizingly near but is in fact
unreachable, at least by honorable means; the family may have the material
trappings but certainly not the birthright.
Not only is she envious, she is vain; the envy will be eased by
the liaison with the handsome
segundón and by the acceptable
consequent social elevation for which she hankers (keenly ironic that it is not
the grandee
primogénito she will wed) as
surely as the considerable vanity was pleased by Don Fernando's attentions, and
she is careful to note all that music, those letters and gifts. She identified
his goal, however, and recognized that her denials had quickened
«'su lascivo
(I: 28, 348); as the center of control of the
hacienda, she was also aware that all
the servants had been bribed. Therefore, when he appears in that
well-surrounded bedchamber, should we believe these claims?:
saber ni imaginar cómo, en medio
destos recatos y prevenciones, y en la soledad deste silencio y encierro, me le
hallé delante'»
, or
«'Yo, pobrecilla, sola entre los
míos, mal ejercitada en casos semejantes
[except in
book-induced dreamings?],
no sé en qué modo, a
tener por verdaderas tantas falsedades, pero no de suerte que me moviesen a
compasión menos que buena sus lágrimas y
(I: 28, 349, my emphases). I think not. To me all of
this ignorance and/or innocence seems feigned,
«fantástico e
, part of the performance for an audience
of one who might, imagining the scene thus described, forget for the moment
that the woman speaking is also the
capataz of a considerable household,
the silence of which could have been broken by her cries or screams, had she
so chosen; the adoration and trust of her parents, upon
explanation of the hubbub, would surely have led to forgiveness.
This is not to deny the accuracy of Ruth El Saffar's perception
of Dorotea: «As a farmer's daughter [in the sense of
estado as opposed to Close's emphasis
on «seduced»], she has no social standing to support her claims of
value; as a seduced woman, she has forfeited her right to a place of honor in
the world. She is in no-man's land as her
story begins -separated from her house and parents, dressed in her servant's
clothing, and neither married nor maiden» (69, my emphasis, making the
extra muros). Indeed it is the search
for a way out of the no-man's land, with the expected aid of a man, to find her
woman's place, that is the reason for her artful self-description. Not that we
are to think that she has always been so dependent: to be scorned after but one
more night together, to be abandoned for another, thus is her vanity deeply
wounded, her violent reaction barely controlled:
«'Llegó esta triste
nueva [of Fernando's «marriage» to Luscinda]
a mis oídos, y, en lugar de
helárseme el corazón en oílla, fue tanta la cólera
y rabia que se encendió en él, que faltó poco para salirme
por las calles dando voces'»
(I: 29, 352). Nieto cautions us:
«no nos engañemos con la
aparente candidez de Dorotea. Su gesto no es el de una paloma herida, sino el
de una leona humillada»
(499). And Madariaga seems to recognize that the
emotional, not the spiritual, is the seat of her swift anger:
«Cuenta bien sus aventuras, con tal
dominio del lenguaje y del argumento, que acaba por dar la impresión que
sus desdichas no han podido herir muy hondo en su
When at last Don Fernando and Dorotea are about to be reconciled
but he is reacting to Cardenio's proprietary embrace of Luscinda, she begs him
«'Tú tienes a tus pies a tu
esposa, y la que quieres que lo sea está en los brazos de su marido...
Por quien Dios es te ruego, y por quién tú eres te suplico, que
este tan notorio desengaño no sólo no acreciente tu ira, sino que
la mengüe'»
(I: 36, 445) and that he show his breeding and take
her as his legitimate wife. More pleadings and reasonings follow, voiced by all
present, but it is Pero Pérez whose words finally convince Fernando:
heaven has dictated that Luscinda shall be Cardenio's until death do them part.
The priest asks this nobleman
«'que pusiese los ojos asimesmo en
la beldad de Dorotea, y vería que pocas o ninguna se le podían
igualar, cuanto más hacerle ventaja, y que juntase a su hermosura su
humildad y el estremo del amor que le tenía, y,
sobre todo, advirtiese que
se preciaba de caballero
y de cristiano, que no podía
hacer otra cosa que cumplille
la palabra dada; y que,
cumpliéndosela, cumpliría con Dios y satisfaría a las
gentes discretas...'»
(I: 36, 445-46, my emphases). The promise to be her
was fervently couched in the name of
«"'«ves aquí te doy la
mano de serlo tuyo, y sean testigos desta verdad los cielos, a quien ninguna
cosa se asconde, y esta imagen de Nuestra Señora que aquí
(I: 28, 350); Pero Pérez obviously feels that
Fernando must be reminded of this as well as of his gentlemanly honor. Had
Dorotea the
discreta not been able to fashion that
calculated description of her quandary, perhaps our Manchegan licentiate would
not have taken up her cause so willingly. One might question how she will
endure the inevitable barbs of the nobility who know her for an outsider, a
conversa of a social rather than a
religious sort, or how she will accept the role of a submissive helpmeet111.
One might indeed wonder how long-lasting will be the happy ending that has been achieved in great part by the curate's intervention, but at least for the moment in that magic castiventa, Dorotea has it all by virtue of her narrative art -and Cervantes's.
—125→Casalduero, Joaquín. Sentido y forma del «Quijote» (1605-1615). Madrid: Insula, 1966.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Ed. John J. Allen. Madrid: Cátedra, 1988.
_____. Novelas ejemplares, I. Ed. Julio Rodriguez-Luis. Madrid: Taurus, 1983.
Church, Margaret. Don Quixote: The Knight of La Mancha. New York: New York U P, 1971.
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Dudley, Edward. «The Wild Man Goes Baroque». The Wild Man Within. An Image in Western Thought in the Renaissance. Eds. Edward Dudley and Maximilian E. Novak. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh P, 1972, pp. 115-39. (The opening quotation is from p. 120.)
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Fajardo, Salvador J. «Unveiling Dorotea, or The Reader as Voyeur». Cervantes, 4 (1984), 89-108.
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—126→Jehenson, Myriam Yvonne. «The Dorotea-Fernando / Luscinda-Cardenio Episode in Don Quijote: A Postmodernist Play». MLN, 107 (1992), 205-19.
Johnson, Carroll B. Madness and Lust. A Psychoanalytical Approach to Don Quixote. Berkeley: U California P, 1983.
Madariaga, Salvador de. Guía al lector del «Quijote». Ensayo psicológico sobre el «Quijote». 5a ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1961.
Márquez, Héctor P. La representación de los personajes femeninos en el «Quijote». Madrid: Porrúa Turanzas, 1990.
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Percas de Ponseti, Helena. Cervantes y su concepto del arte. Madrid: Gredos, 1975.
Riley, E. C. Don Quixote. London: Allen and Unwin, 1986.
Riquer, Martín de. Aproximación al «Quijote». Estella: Salvat Editores-Alianza Editorial, 1970.
Templin, Ernest H. «Labradores in the Quijote». Hispanic Review, 30 (1962), 21-51.
Torrente Ballester, Gonzalo. El Quijote como juego. Madrid: Guadarrama, 1975.
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Weiger, John G. «Cervantes's Curious Curate». Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 80 (1983), 87-106.