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L. García Ballester (1995), «The Construction of a New Form of Learning and Practising Medicine in Medieval Latin Europe», Science in Context, 8, 75-102.



J. Verger (1996), La renaissance du XIIe siècle, París.



J. Ijsewijn, J. Paquet (eds.) (1978), The Universities in the Late Middle Ages, Lovaina; y las obras de H. Rashdall (1936) (nota 1) y de H. de Ridder-Symoens (ed.) (1992), A History of the University in Europe (nota 2).



R. French y A. Cunningham (1996), Before Science. The Invention of the Friars' Natural Philosophy, Aldershot; y las obras citadas en la nota 12.



[medicus], qui est artifex factivus sanitatis..., [medici] non solum experimentis utentes sed causas [sanitatis et egritudinis] inquirentes... et hec est ratio quare medici bene artem prosequentes a naturalibus incipiunt, Tomás de Aquino (1985), Sancti Thomae de Aquino Sententia libri De sensu et sensato..., cura et studio Fratrum Praedicatorum. En: Opera omnia, Comissio Leonina (ed.), vol. 45,2. Roma-París, pp. 128* y 8.277-9.316.



L. García Ballester (1995), «Artifex factivus sanitatis: Health and Medical Care in Medieval Latin Galenism». En: D. Bates (ed.), Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions, Cambridge, pp. 127-150.



L. García Ballester (1994), «Introduction: Practical Medicine from Salerno to the Black Death». En: L. García Ballester et al., Practical Medicine from Salerno to the Black Death (nota 4), pp. 1-29. Véase también L. García Ballester, M.R. McVaugh y A. Rubio Vela (1989), Medical Licensing and Learning in Fourteenth-Century Valencia, Filadelfia (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 79, 6); M.R. McVaugh (1993), Medicine Before the Plague (nota l).



L. García Ballester (1993), «Medical Ethics in Transition in the Latin Medicine of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: New Perspectives on the Physician-Patient Relationship and the Doctor's Fee». En: A. Wear, J. Geyer-Kordesch, R. French (eds.), Doctors and Ethics: The Earlier Historical Setting of Professional Ethics, Amsterdam-Atlanta, pp. 38-71.



H. Denifle. E. Chatelain (eds.) (1897), Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, París, vol. IV, pp. 14 (doc. 1728) y 43 (doc. 1762).



V. Nutton (1997), «Medicine at the German Universities, 1348-1500. A Preliminary Sketch», Würzburg Medizinhist. Mitt., 16, 173-190.