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An exact and curious suruey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China : all duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end : Wherein also are described the huge dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent ambassador from the King : newly translated out of the trauailers manuscript.

Registro bibliográfico

  • Título: An exact and curious suruey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China : all duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end : Wherein also are described the huge dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent ambassador from the King : newly translated out of the trauailers manuscript.
  • Autor: Feynes, Henri de
  • Publicación original: London : printed by Thomas Dawson, for William Arondell ..., 1615.
  • Descripción física: 8.
  • Nota general:
    • Es la traducción de la obra: "Voyage faict par terre depuis Paris jusques à la Chine, par le sieur de Feynes,... avec son retour par mer"
  • Notas de reproducción original: Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Notas:
    • Guerra, Francisco, 1916- , ant. pos. BHI BH FG 3027.
    • También disponible la reproducción de la portada.
    • Guerra, Francisco, 1916- , ant. pos. BHI BH FG 3027.
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Institución origen: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad Complutense
  • Encabezamiento de materia:
  • Nombres relacionados:
  • Títulos relacionados:
    • An exact and curious survey of all the East Indies, even to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China
    • The trauailes of Monsieur de Monfart.
    • The travailes of Monsieur de Monfart.
An exact and curious suruey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China : all duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end : Wherein also are described the huge dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent ambassador from the King : newly translated out of the trauailers manuscript. | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Ampliar imagen

Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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