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Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingsom in a serie of letters: including the most interesting subjects contained in the Memoirs de Don Guillermo Bwles, and other spanish writers, interspersed with historical anecdotes: adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain ... / written in the course of a late tour through that kingdom by John Talbot Dillon ...

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  • Título: Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingsom in a serie of letters: including the most interesting subjects contained in the Memoirs de Don Guillermo Bwles, and other spanish writers, interspersed with historical anecdotes: adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain ... / written in the course of a late tour through that kingdom by John Talbot Dillon ...
  • Autor: Dillon, John Talbot, 1740-1805
  • Publicación original: London :, printed for G. Robinson ... ; In Birmingham : Pearson and Rollason , 1780
  • Descripción física: VIII, 459 p., VI h. de lám., [1] h. de map. pleg. :. Fol. il. ;
  • Notas generales:
    • Las h. de grab. calc.: "Page sculpt", retrato de Carlos III, láminas de fauna y flora, vistas de la catedral de Burgos y la Giralda
    • La h. de map. pleg.: "Engraved by J. Page, london, 1780", nuevo mapa de España
    • Dedicatoria grab. calc. a Thomas Lord Grandthamn, último embajador de Su Magestad en la corte de Madrid
  • Notas de reproducción original: Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada
  • Notas:
    • Encuadernacion: Pasta
    • Sign.tipogr.: a4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Kkk4, Lll6
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Institución origen: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Granada
  • Encabezamiento de materia:
  • Nombres relacionados:
Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingsom in a serie of letters: including the most interesting subjects contained in the Memoirs de Don Guillermo Bwles, and other spanish writers, interspersed with historical anecdotes: adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain ...  / written in the course of a late tour through that kingdom by John Talbot Dillon ...  | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Ampliar imagen

Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada

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