Títulos [3926 resultados] Página: de 393 Resultados por página: 10 20 50 100 Orden: Título Autor Fecha Texto Título: A book of french poetry from A.D. 1550 to the present time / selected by James Parton Información detallada Pub. orig.: Boston : James R. Osgood and Company, 1877 Formatos: pdfA book of french poetry from A.D. 1550 to the present time / selected by James PartonLeer obra Texto Título: A book of narrative verse / compiled by V. H. Collins ; with an introduction by Edmund Blunden Información detallada Pub. orig.: London, Oxford University Press Humphrey Milford, 1931 Texto Título: A. Corn. Celsi De medicina. Libri octo ; quibus accedunt indices capitum autorum et rerum locupletissimi / ex recesione Leonardi Targae Información detallada Autor: Celso, Aulo Cornelio Pub. orig.: Edinburg, excudebat Abernethy and Walker : veneunt apud Gil. M'William, et P. Brown ..., 1815 Formatos: pdfA. Corn. Celsi De medicina. Libri octo ; quibus accedunt indices capitum autorum et rerum locupletissimi / ex recesione Leonardi TargaeLeer obra Texto Título: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 1 / Edited by Francis Wharton Información detallada Pub. orig.: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1886 Formatos: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 1 / Edited by Francis WhartonEnlace externo Texto Título: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 2 / Edited by Francis Wharton Información detallada Pub. orig.: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1886 Formatos: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 2 / Edited by Francis WhartonEnlace externo Texto Título: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 3 / Edited by Francis Wharton Información detallada Pub. orig.: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1886 Formatos: A digest of the international law of the United States documents issued by presidents and secrretaries of State and from decisions of federal courts and opinions of altorneys-general. Tomo 3 / Edited by Francis WhartonEnlace externo Texto Título: A french gramar; or, Plain instructions for the learning of french. In a series of letters / by William Cobbett Información detallada Autor: Cobbett, William Pub. orig.: New York, Published John Doyle, 1832 Formatos: pdfA french gramar; or, Plain instructions for the learning of french. In a series of letters / by William CobbettLeer obra Texto Título: A fuego lento / Emilio Bobadilla Información detallada Autor: Bobadilla, Emilio, 1868-1921 Pub. orig.: Madrid, Renacimiento, 1913. Formatos: htmlA fuego lento / Emilio BobadillaLeer obra Concordancias de A fuego lento / Emilio Bobadilla Texto Título: A history of english romanticism in the eighteenth century / by Henry A. Beers Información detallada Autor: Beers, Henry A. (Henry Augustin), 1847-1926 Pub. orig.: New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1899 Formatos: pdfA history of english romanticism in the eighteenth century / by Henry A. BeersLeer obra Estudio crítico Título: A history of english romanticism in the nineteenth century / by Henry A. Beers Información detallada Autor: Beers, Henry A. (Henry Augustin), 1847-1926 Pub. orig.: New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1901 Formatos: pdfA history of english romanticism in the nineteenth century / by Henry A. BeersLeer obra [3926 resultados] Página: de 393