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Fontilles and leprosy in Spain



  • Antonio García Belmar Enviar correo (University of Alicante)


  • Eduardo de Miguel (Fontilles Foundation)

Technical team

  • Verónica Mas Oliver (Fontilles Medical Library)
  • Panmela Soares (University of Alicante)

Scientific advice

  • Josep Bernabeu Mestre (University of Alicante)
  • Jorge Llopis Verdú (Polytechnic University of Valencia)
  • Vicent Comes Iglesia (Historian)
  • Roberto Blasco Ballester (Member of the Fontilles Governing Board between 2001 and 2013)


  • José Ramón Gómez Echevarría (Medical Director of leprosy. Fontilles Foundation)
  • Pedro Torres Muñoz (Fontilles Laboratory)
  • Marisa Moll (Fontilles Foundation)
  • Pepe Sivera (Fontilles Foundation)

Promoter institutions

  • Sasakawa Health Foundation
  • Fontilles Foundation
  • University of Alicante

Collaborating institutions

  • López Piñero Interuniversity Institute
  • Digital Library of the Historical Press. Deputy Directorate-General for Library Coordination of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
  • Association of Archivists and Managers of Valencian Documents
  • Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
    • Project «Living in a toxic world: experts, regulations and public controversies in 20th-century Spain» (HAR2015-66364-C2-2-P)
    • Project «Health disaster and international cooperation in time of crisis. Europe 1918-1945» (HAR2017-82366-C2-1)

Image selection criteria and terms of use

The photographs published on the Fontilles and leprosy in Spain portal were selected in accordance with the provisions of Ley Orgánica 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In addition to the provisions of this regulation, all images where the identity of the people admitted to the sanatorium could be identified have been excluded from this portal. Nevertheless, images in which the sanatorium's medical and working staff, volunteers and visitors, or in which the Jesuits and sisters are recognisable have been included. The images contained in the gallery of maps, charts and plans were selected according to their representative value, not with the intention of being exhaustive. In the case of maps and graphs extracted from the books, care was taken into representing all the books containing these types of graphic representations, and the most characteristic were chosen. As far as plans are concerned, efforts were made to gather a representative sample of all the sanatorium's facilities. The use of the images included in this portal - photographs, illustrations from works and graphic material preserved in the Fontilles Archive - is restricted to teaching or research purposes: an indication must be made that they belong to the Fontilles Archive and Medical Library, to which reproduction or consultation requests of the rest of the archive may be addressed Enviar correo


Unidad de digitalización UA Enviar correo Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant
