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  1. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
  2. Ver la poesía
  3. Poemas
  4. Poemas: Oh sweet tokens badly found by me... [Explicación en Sistema de Signos Internacional]

Poemas: Oh sweet tokens badly found by me... [Explicación en Sistema de Signos Internacional] Ficha de la obra

Oh sweet tokens badly found by me,
sweet and joyful when God wanted them to be!
together you are in my memory,
and with it conspired on my death!

Who would have told me when in those past
hours so much good I saw in you,
that one day they would be
portrayed with such deep pain?

Since in one hour you took from me
all the good that in terms you gave to me,
take away from me as well the evil that you left me.

If not, I will suspect that you gave me
so many good things just because you wished
to see me die among sad memories.

Poema de Garcilaso de la Vega