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James Thorpe, «The Aesthetics of Textual Criticism», Publications of the Modern Language Association, 80 (1965), 465-82.



(Emilio Cotarelo y Mori), «Noticias inéditas de algunas representaciones palaciegas de las comedias de Calderón y otros», Revista Española de Literatura, Historia y Arte, 1 (1901), 264, 372.



Careful study of such patterns can be unexpectedly enlightening. My own study of the problem of ending variation stemmed from the attempt to make an informed choice between two endings of the second act of La estatua de Prometeo, in which the division between the second and third act differs in the Quinta Parte and the manuscript in the Biblioteca Municipal de Madrid. Analysis revealed that the Parte text, previously accepted as complete, is almost certainly an abbreviated version which has been shortened by one-quarter to one-third, with the heaviest excisions having occurred in the second act. The act division was thereafter altered to balance the length of the acts. For rather details, see the forthcoming edition in the Reichenbergers' Teatro del Siglo de Oro series.
