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Carta dirigida a Aniela Rubinstein. Kansas City (Missouri), 20-01-1945

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  • Título: Carta dirigida a Aniela Rubinstein. Kansas City (Missouri), 20-01-1945 (Formato PDF)
  • Autor: LABUNSKI, Wiktor
  • Publicación original: 1945-01-20
  • Ubicación de originales: AR-LET-06379
  • Descripción física: 1 pages
  • Nota general:
    • Carta manuscrita
  • Nota:
    • Resumen: Apunte de Eva Rubinstein : Congratulations on birth of Alina (January 17, 1945)...happily awaiting return of son Stas, now in Denver with brother Bronek whom he hadn´t seen in more than two years. Looking forward to AR coming to K C to play in February.
  • Idioma: polaco
  • URI:
Carta dirigida a Aniela Rubinstein. Kansas City (Missouri), 20-01-1945 | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Ampliar imagen

Apunte de Eva Rubinstein : Congratulations on birth of Alina (January 17, 1945)...happily awaiting return of son Stas, now in Denver with brother Bronek whom he hadn´t seen in more than two years. Looking forward to AR coming to K C to play in February.

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